Monday, January 7, 2008

The YumYum Revolution is Underway.

Welcome, everyone!

We are Foodie Yum Yum. We're foodies committed to educating the masses about what they're eating and why it's important. Besides the obvious fact that food is necessary for survival, we believe that food is culturally important, should be respected, tastes delicious, and nourishes the soul.

Food is necessary for survival for all mankind; without it, and without our knowledge of cultivating it properly, the human race as we know it would still be chasing giant mammals and risking getting eaten by creatures with sharp claws and big teeth.

Food is culturally important in many different ways. A vegetable can change the world, as Cézanne once said: "The day is coming when a carrot, freshly observed, will set off a revolution." The tomato forever changed the landscape of Italian cuisine. Tariffs on tea began an outrage and eventually the American Revolution. The Chinese wedding ceremony centers around a plentiful banquet. As a society, we've even awarded people who can eat the most hotdogs in a twelve minute period. Food ties us all, as we all need to eat; it's this expression of ourselves as individuals that makes the varieties on food exciting and tasty.

Food should be respected because of its power and because of where it comes from. You are what you eat. The way food gets to you and the way you get food should be fair to the earth, the workers, and the future. There are myriad ways that this process can go sour, from bad agribusiness to horrible migrant labor conditions, but for the price we pay to get an apple for under a dollar, we should pay attention to the consequences of those actions. If it's better for the environment that we buy the local apples versus the organic ones flown in from somewhere else, the choice should be easy.

Food tastes delicious. There is no question about it that there's no good excuse for enjoying every bite that passes our lips; food is a memory that lasts. You'll always have a favorite ice cream flavor or a favorite fruit, and that's because you enjoy those things that have that delicious quality to them.

Food nourishes the soul when we gather around a table and enjoy good company. When we open a bottle of wine to be enjoyed in a moment of sensory and sensual bliss, that experience stays with us. Many pivotal scenes in books and cinema, sometimes without even knowing, focus on the interaction of people around food. Food is then not only a necessity but a comfort, a luxury per se.

Once again, welcome. We'll be adding more posts and uploading some videos on our YouTube anchor, so stay tuned. You'll be glad you did.

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